As a typography-focused wedding stationery designer, one of the first things I look at when we receive an enquiry are the words and letters. I scan through the names, dates, venues and addresses looking for something that might stand out - words or numbers I can immediately visualize and imagine looking great in a particular typeface, font size or layout in one of our collections. I get excited about names like Quinn & Braxton - a Q, R, X, and ampersand are a typographic feast! I like dates that are “tidy” - like 04.04.24, or ones with lots of curves in them, like 06.09.25. I like twos and threes and eights. Oh, eights! I love long and foreign names…and as far as I’m concerned, the more glyphs, the merrier. I love tightly packed letters and lines of text, so glyphs always present an interesting design challenge in getting everything to slot together nicely.
All of which is to say, this project - from the minute I laid eyes on the enquiry, was a dream. The wedding venue was in the SUPERSTITION MOUNTAINS. The welcome dinner was in, come on, PARADISE VALLEY. And the groom was Swedish, so they politely asked if we could do a dual-language version of the invitation, in English and Swedish. Swedish is glyph city!
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